Pääsiäissunnuntaina 17.4 klo 17:00 Taikatemppelissä (Temppelikatu 6B, Helsinki) on pitkästä aikaa live-luento!
Avi Yap on mestari kolikoilla ja korteilla. Hänen visuaalinen ja suoraviivainen tyyli on saanut arvostusta alan arvostetuimmilta taikureilta!
Luennon sisältö:
Visuaalista kortti- ja kolikko taikuutta.
Rutiinit, joita käydään läpi:
Monarchs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h50PVSgYi0g)
Winged silver
Aivan älytön kolikon kadotus
Ja muuta!
PS! Workshoppiin on vielä muutama paikka vapaana!
Kaksi päivää, lauantaina klo 12-14 ja sunnuntaina 12-14 Taikatemppelissä!
Hinta 75 euroa. Voit varata paikan lähettämällä viestin: info@markustervo.com
Vielä hänen omin sanoin:
Avi Yap is an underground sleight of hand artist from a little country called Singapore. Avi’s work has baffled and gained recognition from top magicians like Chris Kenner, David Williamson, Wayne Houchin and so much more. Apart from his highly visual work, being mentored by the late David Roth, Avi truly understands coin magic.
Some testimonials from magicians on Avi’s work.
Avi is by far my favorite magician of this era. Just when I thought I have seen his best stuff… He shows me this. The thinking and execution is off the charts. -Chris Kenner
Avi has really pushed the envelope with this old but often overlooked gimmick by adding multiple new handlings, finesses and touches to make it a much more versatile gimmick. He has even come up with a pure sleight of hand version that looks just as good as the gimmicked version. Great! -Harapan ong
This is the best coin vanish I’ve ever seen… no matter how many times I see it! This is absolute magic. -Christian Grace
If you have real power to make a coin vanish, THIS is what is what it would look like! -Patrick Kun
A beautiful vanish that looks like real magic. How? I honestly don’t know where it went! Whats more, Avi’s handling and subtleties add something new to this legendary vanish. It honestly fooled me. -Wayne Houchin
I swear every time when i see the coin melts away! It is not easy to find coin magic that actually looks like real magic……This is it! -Henry Harrius
Avi’s got more than just impressive chops. He’s got the rare ability to turn technique into magic. He wanted a coin to pop into nothingness off the palm of his hand, so he tracked that vision down, and brought it back for all of us. Two years ago, this looked good. Now it looks like magic. -Curtis Kam
Looks visually great and definitely will make your audience do a double take! – Cyril Takayama
Such a BEAUTIFUL vanish! I’ll be practicing this one. – Danny Goldsmith